Giving our Big Idea a matching personality, appearance, and identity (brand) is a complex process. It is difficult enough to nail down a vision statement, let alone gather a bunch of professionals into one room to determine a single brand name. Everyone has different ideas and flavors of how they see the website; our challenge is to find common ground that we believe can both communicate our vision effectively and appeal to our target audience- young people.

As we bring everyone to the table, each group member ends up being each other’s worst critic – all constructive critics of course. To paint a fairly literal metaphor, it’s a palette of colourful, inspiring ideas that we must blend to form a rainbow rather than a muddy soup.

As you can see from the above photo, the team recently focused on identifying a name for the brand (and even sacrificed their lunch hour to do so!). Have a look at a screen cap below to see some of the inspiring (and not so inspiring) ideas that were generated during a recent brainstorming session:

At the end of this whirlwind brainstorming session, we settled upon the name WalkAlong, thanks to Greg’s ideas. It’s a name we think is unique and portray the movement towards mental health and wellbeing as a process. We also wanted to show that the website is empowering- that instead of dragging you along, it’s walking along with you on your journey as a tool and guide towards better health.